The meanderings of a middle-aged gamer.
Where did my Basic Farm go?
Published on September 7, 2008 By RothgarrOdinsson In Twilight of the Arnor

Was Basic Farming removed from the Terran Tech Tree? 

I played a few games as other races and then started a new game as the Terrans but at the start I don't have any improvements to build to increase food.  The first one I find looking at the tech tree is Xeno Farming.

Is there a bug here or is this correct? 

Is there a link I could get that shows the official tech trees for each race?

Just as an fyi I have not made any modifications to any parts of the game yet using the included editors.


Rothgarr Odinsson

on Sep 07, 2008

You do not start with any food techs. Xeno farming is the first tech you can get to upgrade your food production. It will take your planets a while to grow population anyway! So while your waiting, research other things!

on Sep 07, 2008

Thanks Xrati.

I just found another thread a few pages back that correlates what you posted also.  Here is a link to that thread:


+ Karma to Xrati


Rothgarr Odinsson